Chef José Andrés Joins Drew's Cookbook Club!

Recipes & Cooking

As part of Drew's Cookbook Club series, José Andrés shares one of his favorite cookbooks!

Welcome to Drew's Cookbook Club!

As a passionate cookbook collector, Drew reads at least three cookbooks a week, cover-to-cover, because inside every good cookbook, she believes, there’s a recipe that will truly change your life. In this series, Drew will be sharing her favorite recipes, tips and stories from cookbooks in her personal collection. Chef José Andrés stops by to share his pick for Drew's cookbook club and celebrate cookbooks.

When you do not have some of the ingredients, just move on. Change the recipe in your dishes, or in your life, and you will always be successful.

Chef José Andrés shares his cookbook recommendation with Drew: The Food of a Younger Land by Mark Kurlansky. You can find the book here!

Drew also highlights José's veggie-focused cookbook Veggies Unleashed (which Drew already owns and loves)! You can pick up your copy here!

After Cookbook Club, José also makes time to share a favorite recipe of his with Drew: Chickpeas, Tomatoes, and Eggs!

Not only is Chef José Andrés a world-renowned chef and author, he also believes in making the world better through food, which he puts into action through his organization World Central Kitchen. Founded in 2010 by Chef José, World Central Kitchen (WCK) uses the power of food to heal communities and strengthen economies in times of crisis and beyond.

For more information on World Central Kitchen, or to find out how you can help, head to: